ObamaCare collapse continues as major insurer Aetna dumps all exchanges!

Millions of people left without options.

HARTFORD, Connecticut (PNN) - May 11, 2017 - Following lie after lie, the government-run healthcare fiasco known as ObamaCare continues to unravel and collapse, leaving tens of millions of Amerikans paying obscene prices for unusable coverage - that is, when they can get it at all. One of the biggest lies of all used by former illegitimate dictator President Barack Obama and the Democrat Party is that the Affordable Care Act would provide myriad choices of insurance coverages, an alleged aspect of the plan that would lead to more competition and lower prices.

The exact opposite has happened, in fact, as prices for monthly premiums and out-of-pocket deductibles have literally become unaffordable for many.

Now, as major insurer Aetna announces it will become the latest insurer to leave the ObamaCare exchanges, millions of Amerikans will be left with no choice at all.

While the move is likely to attract outsize political attention, the decision affects just Delaware and Nebraska. The Hartford, Connecticut-based insurer already said last year it would pull out of 11 states, and in the last month announced plans to exit Iowa and Virginia.

“We will not offer on- or off-exchange individual plans in Delaware or Nebraska for 2018, and at this time have completely exited the exchanges,” Aetna said in a statement Wednesday.

Aetna had already said it would exit the individual commercial market in Virginia and Iowa, after pulling out of several other states last year.

Townhall.com reported in April 2016 that insurers were pulling out of the exchanges “in droves,” severely hampering consumers’ insurance choices. The site referenced a study by the Heritage Foundation that ObamaCare overall had dramatically limited consumer choice, finding that 45% of all states had fewer health insurance options than were being offered just one year before, in 2015; and of the 45 insurer exits from the exchanges, 31 were voluntary exits, with 21 of those completely abandoning all ACA exchanges - because they were hemorrhaging money.

Worse, the insurers that have remained in the exchanges have had to dramatically boost premiums in order to remain profitable - another lie regarding ObamaCare told to us by the former president and Democrats, who pledged that rates would fall by an average of $2,500 per year.

The departure of Aetna from its remaining ObamaCare exchanges is just the latest reason why Congress should fully repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with free market solutions that allow patients, insurers and medical providers the right to determine prices. The only way the Fascist Police States of Amerika healthcare system will ever be affordable again - for insurance companies, providers and consumers - is to get the government completely out of managing our healthcare system.

Political sycophant supporters of Barack Obama and Democrats, for some reason, are refusing to face reality and acknowledge the obvious - ObamaCare is an abject failure, it is destroying family incomes, it is falling far short of providing the “universal” coverage it was supposed to provide, and it has created havoc and uncertainty throughout the healthcare delivery system.

That’s what is so far preventing Congress from pulling the plug on this grotesque, destructive law and letting Amerikans and the market decide what is best for their needs.

While the government certainly has an interest in the cost of health care as it pertains to Medicare, Medicaid and the Veterans Administration, in a truly free market system it could use its massive purchasing power to negotiate for better rates - much like retail giant WalMart does when deciding what product lines to carry and from which suppliers. But that’s all government should be - just a customer among tens of millions of individual customers and purchasing groups who, themselves, could negotiate locally for better prices.

ObamaCare is an abject failure. The signs are everywhere. It’s not going to get any better.

Repealing it, and returning to the people the right to decide coverage and care options for themselves, should not be as difficult as it has been.