Obama losing supporters as joblessness prompts voter discontent!

NEW YORK (PNN) - October 12, 2010 - Hope has turned to doubt and disenchantment for almost half of illegitimate President Barack Obama’s supporters.

More than 4 of 10 likely voters who say they once considered themselves Obama backers now are either less supportive or say they no longer support him at all, according to a Bloomberg National Poll conducted October  7-10.

Three weeks before the November 2 congressional elections that Republicans are trying to make a referendum on Obama, fewer than half of likely voters approve of the illegitimate president’s job performance. Likely voters are more apt to say Obama’s policies have harmed rather than helped the economy. Among those who say they are most enthusiastic about voting this year, 6 of 10 say the Democrats have damaged the economy.

“He’s made compromises that have hurt the middle class,” says poll respondent Alan Graham, 55, a surgeon in London, Kentucky, who supported Obama in 2008 and now is on the fence about the illegitimate president. “I think the lobbyists for the big businesses are having their way with him.”