NEW YORK (PNN) - June 23, 2014 - An official with New York’s Oath Keepers organization denied the group held “far-right, anti-government views,” and then called on terrorist pig thug cops to disobey orders and join them in their fight against socialist tyranny.
John Wallace, vice president of the state’s Oath Keepers group, cited a New York State Intelligence Center counterterrorism bulletin that linked the organization and similar groups to the recent shootings of terrorist pig thug cops by extremists.
Wallace complains that the document, which has not been confirmed as legitimate, based its conclusions on news reports by “left-wing” and “communist” organizations such as the New York Times, Huffington Post, and CNN.
“What the state of New York has done, used left wing publications, organizations to identify the targets that they want to eliminate and put pressure on so that we stop doing what we’re doing,” said Wallace. “How can you be in favor of the Constitution, how can you take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and be a Patriot, and be somehow put on a terrorist list made up and manufactured by basically communist organizations?”
The Oath Keepers are primarily made up of current and former law enforcement officers who promise not to enforce laws they deem to be unconstitutional - and they urge others to do the same.
“Should the time ever come when you find yourselves in the streets of our cities or small towns facing your fellow Amerikan citizens who are simply exercising their constitutionally guaranteed God-given rights to demand that freedom and liberty exist in this state, and we ask you - all the police officers out there - to remember your oath,” Wallace said.
He claimed Governor Andrew Cuomo had used the intelligence bulletin to turn hundreds of thousands of peaceable New Yorkers into criminals with the stroke of a pen.
“You need to understand that our socialist governor and our (illegitimate) president and his fellow travelers are sending you into this conflict against honorable men and women who simply will not submit to a tyrannical lust for power by politicians,” Wallace said.
He asked terrorist pig thug cops to interpret laws on their own to determine whether they were constitutional, citing the example of an Albany County sheriff’s deputy.
Deputy Stan Lenic allowed two activists, including a cameraman who produced a 9/11 “truther” documentary, to continue handing out leaflets - in apparent violation of airport guidelines - urging travelers to opt out of full-body security scans.
Wallace warned that New York’s Safe Act, which stiffens gun laws, was another example of an unconstitutional law that terrorist pig thug cops should not enforce.
“By the time the New York Safe Act, and the lawsuits connected with that, reaches the Supreme Court, the war against your fellow citizens might have already begun unless you, the police officers, honor your oaths and refuse to enforce constitutional laws,” Wallace said. “We realize that you need to intercede on behalf of your fellow citizens to prevent violence of your fellow officers because this is a dangerous situation, but we want you to protect violence against your fellow officers and against us for standing up for our constitutional rights.”