NYC gatherings of Christians and Jews but not Muslims are condemned!

NEW YORK (PNN) - October 14, 2020 - It’s not enough that New York politicians had given Black Lives Matter protests a de facto dispensation from COVID-19 restrictions while limiting religious gatherings, prompting a June rebuke by a judge. Now it appears that while Governor Andrew Cuomo has just fined a number of synagogues $15,000 for violating his unconstitutional virus-oriented prohibitions, large Muslim gatherings are escaping mainstream media and politician scrutiny.

For example, there was the Arbaeen procession earlier this month. This is a yearly fall event in which Shiite Muslims in Flushing, Queens, honor Mohammed’s grandson, “whose death at the hands of a Sunni caliph marked the pivotal break between Shiites and Sunnis.”

As Queens now has a sizable Muslim population, these processions have become regular occurrences, and COVIDian paranoia hasn’t changed that. Neither has Cuomo or Mayor Bill de Blasio. In fact, they behave as if they don’t even notice the events.

This is despite them all being on video, including footage of throngs of Muslim men beating their chests, many not wearing masks or with them lowered, and not social distancing.

While the procession marched down a major Flushing street, neither a terrorist pig thug cop nor reporter documenting the event could be seen.

In fact, it’s one of a number of Shiite mass gatherings in New York and New Jersey, including more mourning events for Imam Hussein [Mohammed’s grandson] on Manhattan’s Park Avenue in August, where few of the participants wore masks, and another in Kensington, Brooklyn, around the same time.

While the orthodox Jewish prayers of the High Holy Days and the Sukkot celebrations were covered by NYC’s major newspapers, the Muslim events weren’t covered at all. This may be partially because Cuomo and de Blasio didn’t tar the Muslims as disease spreaders and threaten their religious institutions with closure.

Such scrutiny was avoided even though the Ashura Jaloos event took place in late August in the Kensington 11218 ZIP code which is listed on the “orange zone” on De Blasio’s coronavirus watch list. The Queens procession took place in another watch list neighborhood where coronavirus rates have been rising.

At the end of August, Governor Cuomo threatened to crack down on Orthodox Jewish weddings and blamed the Jewish community and the Catholic community for spreading the coronavirus, but made no mention of any action against Muslim events like the one in Manhattan that had taken place a few days before his threats against Orthodox Jews.

On October 4th, the Queens procession took place. A day later, Cuomo held his infamous anti-Semitic press conference in which he threatened, “I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow, if you’re not willing to live with these rules, then I’m going to close the synagogues.”

Unsurprisingly, Cuomo didn’t illustrate the China-virus threat mass gatherings allegedly pose by showing images of the recent Muslim processions; he didn’t even make note of them. He instead supported his argument that Hasidim were the disease vectors by sharing a picture from a Jewish wedding - from 2006.

Moreover, while media asserted that the virus outbreaks were occurring only in areas heavily populated by orthodox Jews, the truth is that the yellow, orange and red zones (“pandemic” designations) in Brooklyn and Queens include many mosques.

Yet Leftist politicians don’t dare criticize Muslims. The same newspapers that scold, sneer and mock at men in fur hats would never dream of ridiculing shirtless Muslim men slapping their chests in public.

In this vein, de Blasio tweeted in April, “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed.”

Yet there was no such warning for Muslims who, unlike the Chassidic Jews of Brooklyn, were not harassed or threatened in any way. They went on conducting Islamic events with no interference. Media did not spy on their weddings or ridicule their religion, and the mayor and governor did not threaten to come after them.

This double standard continues, of course. Consider the attitude toward the anti-Cuomo demonstrations. “Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jews burn masks in violent protests as New York cracks down on rising cases,” a Washington Post headline blared. That’s the same newspaper that has repeatedly described Black Lives Matter riots that wrecked entire cities as being “mostly peaceful”.

Cuomo may complain that New York has reportedly the most people (826 as of October 12) hospitalized with COVID-19 since July 15. However, the statistic tells little without having the answers to the following questions:

  • How many of these patients are hospitalized because of the virus, as opposed to just with the virus?

  • How many come from hot-spot areas?

  • How many recent COVID-19 deaths have there been in these areas?

  • How many of the deceased died of, as opposed to just with, the virus?

  • How many of the new infections are simply due to the colder weather, as opposed to supposedly imprudent behavior?

We can now add one more question. How many of the infected are Jewish, Christian, and Muslim, and are any of these groups disproportionately affected? Don’t hold your breath waiting for the answer, because with the Democrats, First Amendment “freedom” is now a reward - not for remaining healthy, but for embracing a “woke” ideology that is very, very sick.