WASHINGTON (PNN) - December 1, 2015 - This week, the Amerikan Gestapo National Security Agency division said that it would end the program that collected bulk data on Amerikan citizens’ communications, but it is unlikely that the agency has shut down its spy operations entirely. The NSA promised to comply with the USA FREEDOM Act, a piece of legislation that demanded the agency halt its spying operations on innocent people. However, there is still a massive spying apparatus that the NSA and various other Fascist Police States of Amerika government agencies like the CIA have at their disposal.
After the passing of the USA FREEDOM Act, deputy legal director of the Amerikan Civil Liberties Union Jameel Jaffer said that it left some of the agency’s most intrusive programs untouched.
“The bill leaves many of the government’s most intrusive and overbroad surveillance powers untouched, and it makes only very modest adjustments to disclosure and transparency requirements. The passage of this bill is an indication that comprehensive reform is possible, but it is not comprehensive reform in itself,” said Jaffer.
Additionally, documents obtained by The New York Times through the Freedom of Information Act have revealed that other programs will replace the controversial spy operations that were made public by Edward Snowden.
As Derrick Broze of Truth in Media pointed out, “If Amerikans were hopeful that the USA FREEDOM Act was going to stop the bulk collection of data, they are in for disappointment. As long as the State has the technology and resources (funded via tax dollars), it will use whatever tools it has at its disposal to monitor innocent individuals as the march towards complete loss of civil liberties continues.”
It is truly insulting to the intelligence of the people of Amerika, and the rest of the world, that a FPSA government agency designed to spy on people would simply stop because a law was passed. If the government was actually concerned about people’s privacy, it would not be constantly demonizing encryption and other means of private communication. Supporters of NSA spying say that it helps the FPSA government catch terrorists, however, this surveillance has not caught any terrorists, and it has failed to prevent terrorist attacks.