Noted broadcast journalist and freedom fighter John Stadmiller dies at 75!

ROUND ROCK, Texas (PNN) - November 5, 2021 - Legendary radio presenter and founder of the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) and the National Intel Report, John Stadtmiller, died November 5, 2021, after a courageous battle with a respiratory illness and a suspected massive heart attack.

Internationally recognized veteran broadcaster, investigative journalist, entrepreneur and successful business owner John Stadtmiller has been featured as a prominent figure of the Truth Movement, and the godfather of hard hitting truth radio. Many have attributed his  success to him being at the innovative forefront of viral media, a process that began right at the start of his radio network in 2004. One of America’s first true radio trailblazers, John Stadtmiller has given radio broadcasting a transition from the corporate model of the 20th Century to the independent model of the 21st Century.

As a dedicated and aggressive constitutionalist, Stadtmiller consistently defended the Bill of Rights, property rights, and our nation’s borders. In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, Stadtmiller passionately argued against foreign entanglements and wars for the sake of corporate and banking interests. Stadtmiller avoided the bogus political labels of “Left and Right” and instead focused on what really matters - what’s right and wrong. As a tenacious journalist, Stadtmiller broke thousands of national stories over the span of his career, a feat that made him one of the frontrunners in alternative media. Stadtmiller’s mission to re-ignite the spirit of 1776 and stand as an example of the fact that one man can build a vocal media platform without the aid of big corporate news networks that only serve to compromise and dilute the core message of freedom and liberty stands as his professional legacy, and an inspiration to us all.

His family has requested privacy during this time of mourning. Nevertheless, we cannot and will not forget John, and as a final tribute to him, we must continue sharing the truth about globalist tyranny, and continue the resistance. John Stadtmiller, Rest in Peace!