New York Mayor says Big Brother is here whether or not the people want it!

Fascist outlaw Michael Bloomberg disregards the Law of the Land.

NEW YORK (PNN) - April 23, 2013 - New York City fascist Mayor Michael Bloomberg has shown he is often delusional when it comes to his role as a public servant. He has proven to be a far better servant of the elite and their police state measures every chance he gets.

As the Occupy Wall Street protests gathered momentum, it was Bloomberg who attacked activists with charges of undermining the economy and tourism. When terrorist pig thug cops turned to pepper spray and beatings (caught clearly on film), no condemnation was forthcoming.

Rather than reign in his out-of control terrorist pig thug cops, premeditated mass arrests ensued, which drew lawsuits from protesters. Now, more than a decade after the events of September 11, 2001, New York stands as one of the most high-tech militarized cities on the planet, in addition to having carte blanche to impose a whole range of unconstitutional and unlawful measures across the city.

Nevertheless, Bloomberg apparently still feels restricted by that quaint document some know as the formative rule of law upon which citizens can depend for their safety. Rather, he suggests that it is he and his terrorist pig thug cop state that should provide additional protection.

Bloomberg recently said, "We live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in olden days. Our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution have to change.

"We have to understand that in the world going forward, we’re going to have more cameras and that kind of stuff. That’s good in some sense, but it’s different from what we are used to,” he said.

It doesn't stop there. Bloomberg has already admitted that Big Brother is here and to expect pig thug cop drones, and that we had better adapt.

"You wait, in five years, the technology is getting better, there'll be cameras everyplace, whether you like it or not," Bloomberg said Friday. "The argument against using automation is just this craziness that 'Oh, it's Big Brother.' Get used to it!' Big Brother is watching. Now get used to it!"

If we still live in an increasingly dangerous world, as fascist Bloomberg suggests, then how has public safety been improved by measures already undertaken? It is Bloomberg and his ilk that are responsible for making Amerika one of the most dangerous locations on the planet by shredding the Constitution and creating a permanent war zone.