New poll has Clinton campaign panicking!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 18, 2016 - A surprising new poll has the presidential campaigns of both Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump stunned - and for good reason.

Clinton has lost her considerable lead among white, college-educated voters, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday. Trump is now virtually deadlocked for their vote - a key demographic that the former secretary of state’s campaign is counting on to carry her to the White House.

“The main changes in overall vote preference from last month include weaker results for Clinton among college-educated white women, white Catholics, and ‘somewhat’ conservatives, all groups to watch in the campaign ahead,” ABC News reported. “College-educated white women have gone from a 22-point preference for Clinton last month to essentially an even split now, by far the closest margin in this group in ABC/Post polling this election cycle.”

Clinton had previously been accused by her rivals of pandering to women using a so-called “woman’s card”.

In response, the Clinton campaign had previously been so confident of their support among women voters, they began selling literal woman’s cards at their online store.

“She’s got nothing else going,” Trump told supporters in at a rally in April, “and the beautiful thing is women don’t like her.”

Clinton’s standing in the polls has slipped considerably throughout the summer, damaged by perceptions that she violated the law by using a private email system while serving as secretary of state.

According to a separate poll released last week by The Associated Press, “More than half of Amerikans think the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee broke the law by using a private email account and server at the State Department and nearly 4 in 10 think she did so intentionally.”