New Mexico passes law to protect children from forced psychiatric medication!

SANTA FE, New Mexico (PNN) - April 5, 2016 - In one state, at least, it is no longer permissible to force parents at gunpoint to allow their children to be given dangerous psychotropic drugs.

A new law in New Mexico to protect children from coercive psychiatric screening and medication was approved last year in the state, and now advocates for the law hope it will spread to other states and provide similar protection for children, families, and parental rights.

Big Pharma and illegitimate Obama regime have been pushing hard to unconstitutionally spread mandatory "mental health" screening, treatment and tracking of children nationwide. But health freedom advocates say laws like the one on the books in New Mexico "could offer much-needed protection in the years ahead; and progress is already being made.

The legislation in New Mexico, which was supported by members of both major political Parties and passed nearly unanimously in both chambers of the state legislature, is being celebrated by its advocates as the toughest forced medication protection law in the country. Formally titled the "Child Medication Safety Act," the measure sought to address what is viewed by many as an alarming trend in the Fascist Police States of Amerika - threats and coercion against families and their children when it comes to forcing psychiatric evaluation and subsequent mandatory medication with dangerous mind-altering drugs.