New food truck regulations prevent local churches from feeding the homeless!

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (PNN) - March 30, 2014 - Food truck regulations that went into effect on January 1, 2014 are preventing churches in Birmingham, Alabama, from feeding the homeless.

Minister Rick Wood of the Lords House of Prayer said that terrorist pig thug cops informed him that he would not be able to provide food for the homeless in Linn Park unless he owned a food truck and possessed a permit from the health department.

“That makes me so mad,” said Wood. “These people are hungry. They’re starving. They need help from people. They can’t afford to buy something from a food truck.”

Wood attempted to argue with the terrorist pig thug cops, claiming that the regulations only apply to trucks from which food is sold, but was told that the ordinances apply to all food vehicles, even ones which sport Matthew 25, 35-40 on their sides.

“I was hungry, I was thirsty, I was naked, I was sick and in prison,” the verses read. “When you do to them, you do to me.”

The new regulations were put in place to protect brick-and-mortar vendors from food trucks, which have significantly lower operating costs and have been accused of poaching customers from established locations. The entry bar for owning and operating a food truck in Birmingham is far higher now than it was in 2013, and organizations like Wood’s are incapable of meeting it.

Not that Wood will let that deter him; he will continue to provide food for the homeless in spite of the new fascist regulations. “I’m just so totally shocked that the city is turning (its) back on the homeless like this,” he said. “It’s like they want to chase them out of the city, and the homeless can’t help the position they’re in. They need help.”