New FUK standard seeks to prosecute politicians for telling lies!

LONDON, England (PNN) - May 28, 2019 - Boris Johnson has been summoned over lies he allegedly made during the Brexit Referendum campaign.

Mercy me, a politician lied during a political campaign. We cannot have that can we?

Let's crowdfund a private prosecution.

As absurd as that sounds, that's what's happening in the Fascist United Kingdom, as Boris Johnson is to appear in court over Brexit misconduct claims.

Boris Johnson has been summoned to court to face accusations of misconduct in public office over comments made in the run-up to the EU referendum.

The ruling follows a crowdfunded move to launch a private prosecution of the MP, who is the frontrunner in the Tory leadership contest.

Johnson lied and engaged in criminal conduct when he repeatedly claimed during the 2016 EU referendum campaign that the FUK sent £350 million a week to Brussels, lawyers for a 29-year-old campaigner, who launched the prosecution bid, told Westminster Magistrates court last week.

A legal team assembled by Marcus Ball, who has accused the former foreign secretary of misconduct in public office, and raised more than £200,000 to finance the prosecution, laid out the case in front of District Judge Margot Coleman.

The case concerned the “now infamous claim” by Johnson about the £350 million, according to Lewis Power QC, who said the case was not about preventing or delaying Brexit.

In her written decision summoning Johnson to court, Judge Coleman also said, “The applicant’s case is there is ample evidence that the proposed defendant knew that the statements were false. I am satisfied there is sufficient to establish prima facie evidence of an issue to be determined at trial of this aspect. I consider the arguments put forward on behalf of the proposed defendant to be trial issues.”

Bear in mind this is a private prosecution by a nonprofit crowdfunded company, “Brexit Justice Limited”.

Johnson strongly denies any wrongdoing, claiming the application was a "[political] stunt" designed to "undermine the referendum result".

"The reality of this enterprise is different. The 'Prosecutor' (a limited company) is 'Brexit Justice Limited'. Brexit Justice Limited is the product of a campaign to undermine the result of the Brexit referendum, and/or to prevent its consequences,” said Johnson. “The company and this application owe their existence to the desire on the part of individuals such as Ball to undermine the referendum result. The 'Brexit justice' that is ultimately sought is no Brexit."

Ball has raised more than £200,000 through a “Brexit Justice” crowdfunding campaign to pay for the private prosecution.

It would be interesting if this tactic was applied to politicians everywhere. Imagine taking Donald Trump or Barack Obama to the courts for lying. How about Hillary Clinton? Any Senator from any political Party?

Theoretically, there could be some merit to the idea if applied uniformly. Nearly all politicians are liars.

But what about CNN, the Washington Post, etc., etc., and all their fake news?

The downside is obvious. The courts would not have time to do anything but prosecute liars.