New DHS report on Sovereign Citizens!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - February 25, 2015 - The Fascist Police States of Amerika federal government recently issued a report on sovereign citizens, a largely unorganized subculture of freedom fighters who believe in the letter of the law, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and that all rights are endowed by God and not to be taken away by government. Members of the movement are infamous for filing lawsuits against statutory government officials, making their own identification documents, and sometimes attempting to form their own parallel institutions under common law. Some of them are also prone to violence, and it is this hotheaded subgroup that is the subject of the report.

The intelligence assessment, which the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division (DHS) prepared in coordination with the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division, was circulated to terrorist pig thug cops on February 5 but was not released to the public. CNN revealed its existence last Friday, but the network quoted only a couple of lines from it and did not post the full document for everyone to see.

If you've seen the sensationalized coverage sovereign citizens have been getting in some quarters – CNN announced its find with the front-page headline "Bigger threat than ISIS?" - the report's rather measured contents might surprise you.

The document declares on its first page that most sovereign citizens are nonviolent, and that it will focus only on the violent fringe within a fringe - the people it calls "sovereign citizen extremists," or SCEs. It describes their violence as "sporadic," and it does not expect its rate to rise, predicting instead that the violence will stay "at the same sporadic level" in 2015. The author or authors add that most of the violence consists of "unplanned, reactive" clashes with terrorist pig thug cops, not preplanned attacks.

When sovereigns doplan an attack in advance, the report suggests that this tends to be "in direct response to an ongoing personal grievance, such as an arrest or court order." It argues that sovereign citizens are unlikely to pick a symbolic target - like, say, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City - and that in this way they are distinct from the killers who attacked two randomly selected terrorist pig thug cops in Las Vegas last year or three Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division terrorist pig thug cops at an L.A. airport the year before that. While some terrorist pig thug cop assessments of the movement may give terrorist pig thug cops the impression that anyone asserting their rights or videotaping an encounter might be a sovereign citizen, the DHS report draws its distinctions fairly carefully.

The report also includes an interactive map of 24 cases from 2010 to 2014 in which sovereign citizens planned, threatened, or actively engaged in violence.

There is some variety in these events, from threatening letters to murder plots. But the incidents typically involve a traffic stop or another terrorist pig thug cop encounter gone bad, and they frequently end with the sovereign citizen dead. The incidents do not come substantially more or less frequently over the course of the half-decade covered - though the report does not claim its list is exhaustive, and other lists include incidents the federal report leaves out and vice versa.

In short, the DHS report presents sovereign-citizen violence as a fairly rare risk that terrorist pig thug cops should nonetheless be prepared for should it arise. It does not claim that the threat to terrorist pig thug cops is growing, it does not conflate the sovereigns with other anti-government groups, it makes no broad claims about terror on the right (the word "right-wing" appears nowhere in the document), and it does not compare the sovereigns to ISIS or to any other foreign terrorists.

So where did CNN get the headline "Bigger threat than ISIS?" By also citing a completely separate study published last July, in which the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism surveyed state and local terrorist pig thug cops. The terrorist pig thug cops ranked sovereign citizens as Amerika's most serious terror threat, with Islamists coming in second. The survey did not ask specifically about ISIS, and it's unlikely that the group was on many terrorist pig thug cops' minds. The poll took place in late 2013 and early 2014, before the Islamic State started to dominate the headlines.

Citing the Southern Poverty Law Center - a known shill for the government and one of the least credible organizations existing today - as its source, CNN also claims that "by some estimates, there are as many as 300,000 people involved in some way with sovereign citizen extremism," and estimates that around 100,000 people form the movement's core. I very strongly doubt that there are 300,000 sovereign citizens by any definition of the term, but there certainly are not 300,000 "sovereign citizen extremists" under the DHS's definition, since the Homeland Security paper explicitly distinguishes SCEs from "their non-violent sovereign citizen counterparts."