Never Give Up Hope

by Brent Johnson

Probably a day does not pass without my hearing about some travesty of justice, government perpetrated atrocity, violation of rights by a public official, or other affronts to our constitutional form of government. Frequently, it gets to be too much for me to assimilate and I feel as if there is nothing I can do to help correct the problems running rampant in the America I love. I am often brought to tears at the way my country is being destroyed by apathy and indifference, with her laws and high principles eaten away from the inside like a cancer. When I look at the big picture I see corruption in all three branches of the federal and state governments. Acts of judicial, administrative and political terrorism have become everyday occurrences. Public servants have taken on the role of government leaders.

I have seen photographs of old railroad yards being adapted into detention centers and concentration camps. I have seen pictures of FEMA facilities whose barracks have swastikas emblazoned on their roofs. I have seen reports containing plans for disarming and enslaving all Americans who resist a New World Order under the United Nations.

The media is contributing to the degradation of our country by reporting on news events in the biased light of socialism. Television shows glorify the police, ignoring violations of due process by creating newer and more vicious criminals whose capture justifies a "minor" detour around lawful procedures. Aberrant behavior in fictional television characters is being hailed - by a vocal minority of the people - as something wonderful (note the new show Ask Harriet, about a transvestite - when will it ever be enough?). Truth is considered to be boring and so is seldom, if ever, broadcast or published.

When I attempt to assimilate the depth of corruption entrenched in our society I feel completely helpless and insignificant. How can I - just one person - ever hope to make a difference against such an all-encompassing, quick-spreading, cancerous social disease? When I think this way I always conclude that I cannot do anything to correct the situation, that there is no reason to hope. At these times I also remember that I am completely wrong!

I must hope. You must hope. We can never abandon hope because without it all is lost.

Perhaps I cannot change the world by myself, but do I need to in order to help restore our country and its founding principles to health? The answer is no. I can't change the world, but I can affect my corner of it. By my behavior, I can and do set an example of how to live in truth, justice and freedom. I choose not to support the sickness inherent in today's America.

I have taken the time to learn about my natural rights. I do not have a social security number, nor do I allow a portion of my private sector earnings to be sent out of my country via the income tax. I do not pay property taxes. I do not carry licenses and registrations issued by any state. I do not seek permission to do anything from the people who I have allowed to run my government for me. I do not allow my public servants to dictate to me how I shall live. I make my own decisions and accept the consequences of and responsibility for those choices. I do not break the law, nor do I infringe on my fellow Americans' rights in any way. I tell the truth, keep my word, honor my agreements, and live my life in integrity.

I also teach others how to live free from government regulation and control. By sharing my knowledge and passion for liberty I help to spread the cure for the disease currently ravaging America. This is how I fight the socialist cancer epidemic. This is how I cultivate and maintain hope, because we must always have hope.

No matter how troubled our times become, no matter how unjust our government officials act, no matter how distraught our friends and neighbors are, no matter how impossible it appears that anything can be done about the crimes and injustice being perpetrated on the American people, you must keep on fighting for that in which you believe. You must keep on standing for your principles, walking the walk of truth, justice and liberty. You must be willing to lay everything on the line for your freedom. As long as you do these things, there is always good reason to hope.

Our Founding Fathers were political historians. They studied governments extensively and knew that the nature of government is to oppress and control those it is sworn to govern. That is why a Constitution was drafted, to chain down the beast that is the government. But even if those chains are broken, the formula remains the same. Government - by its very nature - will continue to squeeze tighter its grip on the people.

Each of us has an individual tolerance line in the sand - that place which says "I will take so much and I won't take any more." When that line is crossed - and it is a different line for each human being - then it becomes more important to fight back than to stand by, submissively accepting oppression. Since government's nature is to squeeze tighter and tighter, then it follows that over time growing numbers of people will have their tolerance line crossed, thus increasing the numbers of those who will resist government's efforts to subjugate the people. In the end, enough people will stand up and fight back to cause another Revolution which will overthrow the oppressive government - it is inevitable. The cycle will then begin again. This is the same cycle that has been going on for thousands of years. It is a mathematical certainty.

So you see, as long as one person remains who speaks and lives the words of truth and freedom, then we shall prevail. We cannot fail. In other words, there is great reason to hope. Always remember this sentiment:

Never Give Up Hope