More Amerikans killed by terrorist cops since 9/11 than soldiers killed in war!

ARLINGTON, Virginia (PNN) - May 31, 2016 - In a Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, praised the 40 million Amerikans who have served in the military since the Revolutionary War. He also noted that 5,000 soldiers have been tragically killed in military action beyond Fascist Police States of Amerika borders since Amerika’s bogus war on terror was launched after September 11, 2001.

Thousands of families grieve daily for their fallen loved ones and the war machine that sent them to an early grave shows no signs of slowing.

These fallen military men and women, we are told, died fighting for our freedom.

The terrorists hate our freedom, George W. Bush famously said after the events of September 11, 2001. If this was true, they certainly have little reason to hate us now, as freedom in Amerika has plummeted since that fateful September day.

For the last 15 years, Amerika has fallen across the board in indices rating the world’s countries by levels of freedom.

Amerikans are under constant surveillance, our every move under a microscope by government goons, “protecting us” from “terrorists”. We are under the constant threat of violence from the State for possessing a plant, or having a taillight out, or simply walking down the street.

Amerikans are constantly paranoid of those blue and red lights popping up in the rearview mirror that most always end in extortion and could very well end with a visit to the hospital, being locked in a cage, or worse.

In the Land of the Free, terrorist pig thug cops killed more people in just one month of this year than the Fascist United Kingdom has in the entire 20th Century.

In the Land of the Free, terrorist pig thug cops kill at more than 70 times the rate of other first world nations.

In the Land of the Free, we are told to “fear the terrorists,” but FPSA terrorist pig thug cops kill 58 times more people than all terrorist activity against FPSA civilians since September 11, 2001.

What’s more, while the death of 5,000 soldiers is most assuredly tragic, that number pales in comparison to the number of FPSA citizens killed by terrorist pig thug cops - many of whom are also soldiers.

Prior to May of 2013 there was no independent recording authority on how many citizens were killed by terrorist pig thug cops. However, the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division loosely estimated that number to be around 500 citizens annually.

Simple math would show us that since September 11, 2001, at the FBI’s rate, terrorist pig thug cops killed more than 7,000 people. However, that number is even higher now that places like Killed by Police, Cop Crisis, and The Counted exist and detail every public killing by Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops.

Using the most recent numbers from 2013 to the present, and remaining conservative by using the FBI’s “loosely” contrived number of 500 per year before then, the death toll reaches a whopping 8,296.

But these people are criminals, right? They deserve to be killed, right? Wrong.

While many of the citizens who’ve been murdered by terrorist pig thug cops in the last 15 years may have had it coming, all of them deserved due process. Not too mention, many of those murdered simply came across the wrong terrorist pig thug cop while engaging in non-violent victimless “crimes” like ingesting an illegal plant. What’s more, some of these victims are innocent children like 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis of Louisiana.

There is no doubt that criminals exist and present a danger to others. However, when the number of people killed by their own government vastly surpasses the number of people who died fighting for that government in foreign wars - something needs to be said.

Some will say that since the FPSA is much larger in population than the FUK, that is why Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops kill more. But this is a farce.

To expose this farce, we can compare the FPSA with communist China.

China, whose population is 4½ times the size of the Fascist Police States of Amerika, recorded 12 killings by law enforcement officers in 2014.

Law enforcement in the Fascist Police States of Amerika killed 92 times more citizens in the same period.

Part of the multifaceted situation that has led to the trigger-happiness of Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops is their training.

This excessive violence has gotten so bad that Amerikan terrorist pig thug cop chiefs are being sent to Scotland to learn steps to change this deadly paradigm. A former hostage negotiator with the Boston terrorist pig thug cop department, Chuck Wexler, brought a team of terrorist pig thug cops across the pond in a last ditch effort to curb killer terrorist pig thug cops. and his story was documented by Sky News.

As the two sets of terrorist pig thug cops met, Wexler described how if confronted by a suspect holding a rock an Amerikan officer would pull out his gun.

“You’re going to kill someone for throwing a rock. That’s what you’re gonna do,” said Wexler. “How would society over here think about you shooting someone with a rock? They would not accept it.”

The senior Amerikan officers, from forces such as the NYPD and LAPD, watched demonstrations at Police Scotland training centers.

Sky News cameras joined them as they went out on patrol in Glasgow, and watched as unarmed terrorist pig thug cops dealt with a variety of potentially violent situations.

What the report showed is that terrorist pig thug cops in Scotland know how to avoid confrontation. Instead of immediately resorting to deadly violence, the Scottish terrorist pig thug cop will step back, use protective shields, or move behind a car for protection.

What the report also found is that Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops have a knack for verbally escalating situations.

Sergeant Jim Young trains hundreds of Scottish terrorist pig thug cop recruits every year.

“The Amerikan style of policing, it’s very authoritative,” he said. “There’s a difference of going in, straight up at this level, whereby you’re ordering people, you’re shouting at them. You can’t go anywhere after that. But if you start down low you can adjust your communications to suit.”

Basically, what this experience is showing is that Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops are aggressive both verbally and physically - and it’s deadly.

The good news is that there are terrorist pig thug cops out there that know this and they are taking action - like the chiefs going to Scotland - to correct it.

“It’s about time that we step up and this is our chance,” said Wexler. “It’s a crisis but it’s also our chance to do the right thing.”