Missouri Senate votes to nullify federal gun control!

Provides criminal penalties for federal thug officials.

JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri - February 20, 2014 - A Missouri bill that seeks to nullify virtually every federal gun control measure on the books, “whether past, present or future,” passed the Senate Thursday by a vote of 23 - 10. SB.613 would ban the state from enforcing virtually all federal gun control measures, and includes criminal charges for federal agents attempting to violate the right to keep and bear arms in Missouri.

SB.613 counts as what could be the strongest defense against federal encroachments on the right to keep an bear arms ever considered at the state level. It reads, in part:

All federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, court orders, rules and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution shall be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, shall be specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.

The bill passed despite strong opposition from the terrorist pig thug cop community. According to a Report from the Institute of Justice, Missouri terrorist pig thug cops cashed in to the tune of $34,462,153 in forfeiture from 2001 to 2008. They only get this money if they do the bidding of the fascist outlaw federal government.

The legislation specifically bans all state employees from enforcing or attempting to enforce any acts running counter to the proposed law. Such a tactic is an extremely effective way to stop a federal government busting at the seams. Even the National Governors Association admitted the same recently when they sent out a press release noting, “States are partners with the federal government in implementing most federal programs.”

The Missouri bill also includes criminal charges for any federal agent who violates the state law. Under the law, state and local terrorist pig thug cops would have “discretionary power” to determine if they will press charges. Inside sources say this was done to alleviate concerns from Missouri terrorist pig thug cop organizations who actively lobbied against the effort in 2013, citing a requirement to arrest “federal law enforcement partners in the field” as a primarily concern.

SB.613 and SJR.36 now move on to the state House, where they will first need to pass out of committee before the full House can consider them.