WASHINGTON (PNN) - March 14, 2018 - The Donald Trump regime has announced its support for a number of measures involving gun control, and not surprisingly, mainstream media has chosen to highlight the measure that would have little effect, while ignoring the regime’s support for a bill that would have a devastating impact on the Second Amendment. CNBC’s headline said, “Trump gun proposal skips age limits, focuses on teaching educators how to use guns instead,” and BBC News went with “Trump drops call to raise guns age limit.” The media’s coverage has relied heavily on the idea that if the legal minimum age requirement for gun purchases was raised from 18 to 21, then it may have an effect on stopping mass shootings - without taking any other legitimate factors into consideration.
However, while media focused on Trump’s response to age requirements, they ignored the support he pledged for one of the most egregious bills being considered by Congress. H.R.4477, the Fix NICS Act, states that it would amend the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to “require each federal agency and department, including a federal court, to certify whether it has provided to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) disqualifying records of persons prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm.”
The Fix NICS Act will pressure federal agencies and States to report as many names as possible to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, “making it only a matter of time before this list becomes so large that nearly any activity could serve to remove your Second Amendment rights.”
Although versions of the bill have been proposed in both the Senate and the House, and have received support from Republicans, Democrats, and even the National Rifle Association, Rep. Thomas Massie (Kent.) warned that Congress will try to pass the Fix NICS Act by rolling it into another bill that looks harmless.
Congress first tried to accomplish this in late 2017 by including the Fix NICS Act in H.R.38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which states that its purpose is to amend “the federal criminal code to allow a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another State that allows individuals to carry concealed firearms.”
When that bill was stalled, they shifted their attention to H.R.4909, the STOP School Violence Act, which is supposed to be voted on this week. Massie warned that the supporters of the Fix NICS Act will use the STOP School Violence Act to “sugar coat it” in order to obtain their original objective.
Massie summed up the Fix NICS Act by noting that it “encourages administrative agencies, not the courts, to submit more names to a national database that will determine whether you can or cannot obtain a firearm.“
“When (illegitimate) President (Barack) Obama couldn’t get Congress to pass gun control, he implemented a strategy of compelling, through administrative rules, the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration to submit lists of veterans and seniors, many of whom never had a day in court, to be included in the NICS database of people prohibited from owning a firearm,” Massie said. “Only a State court, a federal (article III) court, or a military court, should ever be able to suspend your rights for any significant period of time.”
While Trump took to Twitter to claim that a “very strong improvement and strengthening of background checks will be fully backed by White House,” he failed to mention that the legislation to implement background checks has serious flaws, and its consequences go far beyond his time in office.
Now that the Trump regime has officially pledged its support for the Fix NICS Act, and mainstream media has done the same by refusing to report on the blatant problems that exist within the proposed legislation, it serves as a reminder that the real divide exists - not between Democrats and Republicans, but between the establishment and the people.