LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - June 4, 2017 - The global government planned long ago by the ruling elite is very much on schedule and today Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti served testament to this by announcing that despite President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which has nothing to do with Amerika or helping Amerikans, the city of Los Angeles "will continue to lead by committing to the goals of the accord and will work closely with cities across Amerika and the world to do the same." What this amounts to is nothing short of a declaration that the nation state of Amerika will not get in the way of the globalist push for a new global order. Clearly the mayor's priorities are with the "world" and with the paradigm created by the globalists, and not with Amerika, reality, science, reason or logic, and it's time for conscious Amerikans to confront this. It's not about saying let's trash the planet with pollution; it's about realizing the deeper agenda at play here, which is a point that is very difficult to get across to the Liberal Left.
Either way the globalization plans the ruling elite has set in motion are now very real and very tangible as they unfold before our eyes. Garcetti points to the "facts" of climate change "reality" as the reason for bypassing the nation state structure and justifying Los Angeles' loyalty to the Paris Climate Agreement instead of the rules, laws, and power structure of the nation state under which it exists. This is tantamount to slapping every Amerikan and Constitution lover in the face and laughing at them as they role out a new global corporate order that blames and thus taxes and imprisons humans for environmental crimes instead of moral and ethical crimes based on violation of natural law, as the spirit of the Constitution suggests.
This also clearly reveals why the ruling elite planned and created the global warming hoax in the first place, and then renamed it to the much fuzzier and blurry "climate change". This is also why not long ago we had Left wing Liberal funded "Earth Day" and "science" marches all around the country. This is their way of fighting back against anyone who opposes the global order and this is the Left's way of resisting Trump, who is now an obstacle to many of their plans.
The plan to use the environment as a global religion to implement a global order was put forth by the Club of Rome in a book titled, The First Global Revolution where it states:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
H.G. Wells, in his 1939 book The New World Order said regarding this planned global order:
"Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it."
Finally, there are many people on earth right now that don't want you to see this global plan. Instead they would rather you fight with each other over unproven theories, blame nation-states and generic enemies for everything from 9/11 on down, blindly accept their technocratic world of self driven cars and smart phones, and accept their social engineering indoctrination as normal.
At no point in history have the global plans of the ruling elite been more clear and identifiable than today. Help spread this important message so we can continue to fight back with bulletproof solutions to sabotage their plans and restore everything including our own normality, our schools, our communities, our nations, and our Rule of Law.