Massive car-to-car warrantless search in DC region!

Martial law may be imminent.

ROCKVILLE, Maryland (PNN) - March 16, 2014 - The police state in Amerika officially exploded into the DC Capitol Region, as hundreds of cars were stopped in a massive roadblock and a warrantless car-to-car search ensued for alleged bank robbers. One woman had to vomit and was ordered to close her door.

Thousands of motorists were brought to a standstill when terrorist pig thug cops conducted the unconstitutional massive roadblock to find three crime suspects. Twelve lanes of traffic were shut down and swarms of armed fascist outlaw government agents combed through a giant traffic jam performing vehicle-to-vehicle searches without warrants and without probable cause.

While stuck in traffic, motorists were approached by armed pig thug agents and ordered at gunpoint to submit to warrantless searches of the interior of their vehicles.

The busy Tuesday morning commute was abruptly halted just after 10:00 a.m. on March 11. One driver witnessed 30 terrorist pig thug cop cars pass on the shoulders of I-270 near Rockville.

“Then, when I saw a wall of (terrorist pig thug cops) with automatic weapons approaching our car, it was apparent that something serious was taking place,” said the motorist

These searches were in no way consensual and were performed with the motorists under duress. Nothing ordered at gunpoint can ever be considered voluntary.