SYRACUSE, New York (PNN) - July 17, 2021 - Conservative commentator Mark Levin is calling on patriotic Amerikans to rise up against the push for Marxism from the radical-Left.
During a recent episode of his Fox News show Life, Liberty and Levin, he launched into a fiery rant against Marxism.
Levin encouraged viewers to stand up against Marxist theories, warning "this is not a passing fad."
He began his show with a lengthy discussion on the growing discussion of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public discourse.
He noted that Marxism is at the heart of the discourse.
"Critical Race Theory is not about learning the history of (Amerika)," he said.
CRT "is not about learning about slavery and segregation," Levin continued.
"It's not about learning about Neo-Nazis and the Klan. It is about a Marxist movement, invented by the Marxists, Herbert Marcuse, Derek Bell, and many, many others. It attracts Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two or three of them already said they were Marxists. That’s not a coincidence," Levin said.
He went on to describe in detail other different iterations of this Marxist theory through the Latino/Chicano movement, critical gender theory, and transgenderism as well as the war against capitalism.
Essentially, all of these movements, according to Levin, boil down to "the white dominant (Amerikan) society must go."
CRT has become the latest controversy that has seeped its way into every government institution from public schools to military bases.
Critics like Levin previously called out the theory as a "neo-racist" ideology that seeks to dismantle allegedly racist structures such as capitalism and meritocracy.
Various politicians have now called for the banning of CRT being taught in public schools.
Despite this, Levin warns that Marxist beliefs through CRT or otherwise are here to stay.
"All these forces and more, these are spawned from the notion of Marxism. This is not a passing fad. It’s not liberalism. It’s not ‘oh there’s the old Democrat Party.’ No no no. This is here. This is now, and it’s in your face."
Ultimately, Levin emphasized confronting Marxist thought in every form for what it is: a failed ideology.
"Tell me; where on the face of the earth has Marxism worked?" he asked.
"Where on the face of the earth has Marxism not ended up in the slaughtering of tens of millions of people? The imprisonment of tens of millions of people? The silencing of hundreds of millions of people? Is that really what we want in the greatest nation on the face of the earth?" asked Levin.