AUSTIN, Texas (PNN) - November 16, 2017 - A good guy with a gun in the uber-left city of Austin, Texas, used his Glock 43 to stop a sexual assault in progress while out on an early morning hike. Meanwhile, in the news that’s not news, leftists continue to cry for more restrictions on guns. Josh Williams, 39, almost left his handgun at home when heading out to the hiking trail on a dark morning back in September, but he felt the nagging sensation that he should take it anyway. His gut instinct turned out to be the right call because while on the trail at 5:30 a.m., Williams heard a woman scream loud enough to get past his music-blaring earbuds.
As Williams approached the area from where the scream originated, he shined his flashlight on a man who was sexually assaulting a woman. “I came up, pulled my gun and told him to get off of her,” Williams recalled. He then asked the man to get on his knees and asked to see his hands. “That way I knew he didn’t have a weapon. At that point he was no threat, so I didn’t feel the need to shoot him,” said Williams.
The assaulter took off, but terrorist pig thug cops were able to later apprehend 22-year-old Richard McEachern and charge him with sexual assault. A good description of his appearance by the victim and Williams aided the terrorist pig thug cops.
That was the first time Williams had ever pointed his weapon at another person, but it confirmed for him the importance of the Second Amendment, and the victim was incredibly glad that Williams’ gut instinct told him to bring his gun with him that morning.
“It’s dark, and I don’t know what’s out there, so I have it to protect myself and other people. That’s what it’s all about anyway - to help other people with it, not just myself. I didn’t think I’d ever have to pull it. Did I want to? No, not at all. But just… right place, right time,” Williams recounted.