HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (PNN) - June 15, 2015 - Tyler Truitt joined the military to fight for Amerika’s freedom. However, after returning, he is quickly realizing that the supposed freedom that he fought for is pipe dream.
Truitt lives on his own property, but because he’s not tied into the city’s electricity and utility grid, his very existence has been deemed illegal.
“We live out here off the grid, 100% self-sustaining,” Truitt said. “So I basically made all my utilities. I have my solar panels, I have my rainwater collection and stuff.”
Truitt lives on his own private property in a modular home. He creates his own electricity and collects his water from the rain. If anything, this couple is a net gain to society and to the environment for having a carbon footprint of zero and living sustainably.
However, to the State they are the enemy.
“They say our house is a trailer, which is not allowed in city limits,” Truitt said. “They came and they condemned our house and told us if we stayed here we’d be arrested for trespassing on our own property, and the reason why, they said, is it was unsafe living conditions because we don’t have city utilities hooked up,” he explained.
The country that Truitt gave his life to defend is now treating him as the enemy for his choice of lifestyle that harms no one. He is now learning the brutal reality that all veterans eventually learn when their service ends. We are but expendable numbers to be shifted around a global chessboard as pawns for special interests. When these nameless numbers are finished with their purpose, they are thrown in the trash, or worse.
“I took an oath that I would support and defend the Constitution and the freedoms that entails, and I really feel like those are being trampled upon,” Truitt said, and he’s right.
The good news is that Truitt is a fighter at heart and he has promised to stand his ground.
“You have to stand up for what you believe in. They could come out here today if they wanted to and take us to jail for trespassing if that’s what they want to call it and, you know, that’d be fine with me,” said Truitt. “I’ll still come back the next day and the next day and the next day because it’s my home and because I live here. Where else am I supposed to go, really?”