Man ticketed for wearing Speedo bathing suit on beach!

Man Sues Sheriff's Department

BONITA BEACH, Florida - May 12, 2008 - A Florida man is suing after he was ticketed on a beach for wearing a Speedo bathing suit.

Bob Hezzelwood said he has been visiting Bonita Beach for years and no one has bothered or complained about his bathing suit.

However, recently, a Lee County sheriff's deputy gave Hezzelwood a ticket for trespass and told him not to return to the beach.

A judge tossed out the case.

However, Hezzelwood said he plans to sue the sheriff's department, saying his civil rights were violated.

"It frightens me and embarrasses me to go public with it. But by the same token, I don't know what else to do," Hezzelwood told The Naples News. "I'm a civilian out here who’s been picked on by a little bully deputy and that’s wrong. It’s just wrong."