LA QUINTA, Kalifornia (PNN) - October 27, 2014 - A powerful video was submitted to the Free Thought Project, showing a dramatic interaction between a courageous, principled man and La Quinta terrorist pig thug cops.
Alejandro Natividad, a resident of Indio, pulled out his phone and caught his incredible non-violent resistance on video Sunday as terrorist pig thug cops were pointing guns at him.
Natividad had committed no crime, yet when terrorist pig thug cops chose to interact with him, guns were drawn and he was told to get face down on the concrete.
Natividad non-violently refused to lie down because he knew he was right, and knew that he had committed no crime. But this decision did not go over well with the terrorist pig thug cops.
Another terrorist pig thug cop showed up and drew his pistol as well and pointed it at Natividad. At this point Natividad was incredibly nervous but continued to film and hold his ground, refusing to lie down for doing nothing wrong.
The resultant video is inspiring to say the least.
Many will say he should have just complied with the terrorist pig thug cops demands to subject himself to humiliation by lying on the ground for doing nothing wrong. But his reasons for not complying were principled and courageous.
Natividad said the reason he and the terrorist pig thug cops crossed paths was that he was a passenger in a vehicle whose driver started acting weird.
"We were on our way to my friend’s house and we were at a stoplight. When the light turned green my friend began to make some weird motions and really freak(ed) me out. I told him the light was green and he had a deer in a headlights look. A deputy walked up and asked what was going on. I told him he was acting weird, I don’t know. He asked if we had any weapons and I said ‘no.’
”At this time my friend was still doing some weird motions and finally answered the deputy’s question if he was okay. I had mentioned that we’re in the middle of the street and he came to and stepped on the gas and drove onto the corner. I jumped out of the car and walked out with my hands up and was standing where the recording took place. The deputy drove up and (got) out of his vehicle with his gun drawn. That’s when I decided to record."
At this point is when this dramatic video begins. During the interchange Natividad says to the La Quinta officer, "This is Amerika. This is not a police state."
"This is one man talking to another. There is a man behind that badge, be like a man. That is a coward pointing a gun at me," exclaims Natividad.
Understandably, Natividad got very worked up and was eventually brought to tears during this intense scene.
When we asked him why he refused to comply with the terrorist pig thug cop’s orders, Natividad answered in a statement reminiscent of Emiliano Zapata’s famous quote, "I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees."
Natividad said, "I wasn’t under arrest. The deputy even admitted that I did nothing yet he had a gun pointed at me. Where’s the logic in that? I was afraid and if I was going to get harmed I’d much rather take it standing than on my face."
Natividad said that eventually two more terrorist pig thug cops approached him and threatened to Taser and beat him with a baton and he was handcuffed and put into the back of a cruiser. But he never went face down.
The driver of the vehicle was arrested for DUI of marijuana and released the next day.
Natividad, after standing his ground and asserting his rights, was then free to go.
There is flexing your rights and there is what Natividad did, which goes much further. To lay life and limb on the line in order to make a principled stand takes true fortitude, and for that, we commend Alejandro Natividad.