REHOBOTH BEACH, Delaware (PNN) - April 13, 2013 - A man was tasered repeatedly and kicked in the head by terrorist pig thug cops while he was in handcuffs in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. His wife, who was eight and a half months pregnant, watched and recorded the event, begging the outlaw terrorist pig thug cops to stop tasering him.
Throughout the incident, the wife’s could be heard begging the three fascist outlaw terrorist pig thug cops surrounding her husband to let her take him home. She screamed, “Stop tasering him!” and moved in close as a terrorist pig thug cop she identified as Robert Whitman began to Taser her husband in the face and head while he was on the ground in handcuffs.
“What is wrong with you?” the pregnant wife screamed while terrorist Whitman kicked her husband in the face. The man, identified as Jeremy, was tasered 13 times by outlaw terrorist pig thug cops.
Rehoboth Beach is a small resort town in Delaware. Described as “a welcoming, friendly Delaware community,” the town boasts a population of 1,300 people during the winter but swells to over 35,000 with tens of thousands more nearby during the summer.
Jeremy and his wife were visiting Rehoboth Beach on April 7, 2013. The season in Rehoboth Beach had just begun, meaning many of the seasonal pig thug cops specially trained in “Bicycle Patrol Operations” are not yet on patrol in the town.
Corporal Robert Whitman is the outlaw terrorist pig thug cop that kicked Jeremy in the head and tasered him in face.
The town of Rehoboth, known for its beaches and food, is now making a name for itself in a new way, as word of this graphic pig thug cop incident spreads. Jeremy yelled, screamed and cursed while he was repeatedly and unlawfully tasered and kicked - all while he was handcuffed. The terrorist outlaw pig thug cops said Jeremy was detained for "resisting". The fascist pig thug cops threatened Jeremy’s pregnant wife with unlawful arrest too, if she didn’t stop talking back to these pig thug cops.
Nobody at the City of Rehoboth Beach has been available for comment.