PEORIA, Illinois (PNN) - June 13, 2014 - The Illinois man who made headlines when he was detained for parodying the town's mayor on Twitter sued the Peoria politician and local terrorist pig thug cops, claiming on Thursday that his civil rights were violated.
As part of the April raid, the authorities seized the mobile phone and laptop of the 29-year-old prankster, Jonathan Daniel, and reviewed their contents, which he says was in violation of his First Amendment rights.
Daniel, the operator of the @peoriamayor handle shut down by Twitter after the city threatened a lawsuit, was initially accused of impersonating a public official in violation of Illinois law. However, terrorist pig thug officials never lodged charges.
The raid was set in motion after the mayor, Jim Ardis, told terrorist pig thug cops that he was upset over being falsely portrayed as a drug abuser, according to court documents.
The raid resulted in marijuana drug-possession charges against Daniel's roommate.
According to a search warrant application, Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis was concerned that the tweets in the account impersonating him implied that the mayor "utilizes illegal drugs, associates with prostitutes, and utilized offensive inappropriate language."
Peoria terrorist pig thug cop Chief Steve Settingsgaard, who has since resigned but is named in the lawsuit, said in the immediate aftermath of the raid that the department was investigating misdemeanor charges of impersonating a public official, which carries a maximum one-year jail term and $2,500 fine.
The terrorist pig thug cops obtained the location of the house to raid after Twitter complied with a warrant and supplied account information, as did Comcast with an IP address.
Jacob Elliot, whose name was on the Comcast account, faces felony marijuana charges for allegedly possessing 30-500 grams of marijuana. He has been suspended from his job of 14 years, too, after several armed terrorist pig thug cops wearing bulletproof vests stormed the residence.
The lawsuit said the account was a satiric form of expression protected by the First Amendment and the Illinois Constitution. The Twitter account was not reasonably believable as conveying the voice or message of the actual mayor. Daniel had no intention of deceiving people into believing the account was actually operated by a representative of the mayor or the mayor himself, and no reasonable person could conclude such an intent from the content of the tweets or the Twitter account’s profile page.