ORONO, Minnesota (PNN) - July 3, 2014 - A Minnesota man is risking jail time by refusing to remove a wind turbine from his property. The local government and a few nosy neighbors have been disputing the construction of this turbine for over 4 years, since it was built in 2010.
Jay Nygard actually owns a company called Go Green Energy, which sells wind turbines in other areas of Minnesota, but he isn’t able to do so in Orono where he lives because of permit and licensing laws. These are the same laws that are preventing Nygard from building on his own property.
In recent years there have been at least 8 lawsuits back and forth between Nygard, the local government and his neighbors. The neighbors claim that his windmills are an eyesore and a nuisance, but in reality it isn’t actually any of their business.
Nygard has the right to do whatever he wants with his own property, but unfortunately in a democracy such as the Fascist Police States of Amerika, the property rights of an individual can be overridden according to the whims of politicians and the demands of uninvolved third parties.
Earlier last month, a terrorist pig thug district judge representing the local government demanded that Nygard and his wife remove the turbine. The fascist terrorist judge threatened to throw the man in jail if he left the turbine on his property, but Nygard is standing his ground and refusing to give in.
“They seem to think they can control our property, and what we do on our property is their business,” said Nygard. “It’s my right to have it. I’m ready to go to jail for everyone’s right,” he said.“If that’s what it takes, that’s what I’ll do.”
Last week in a similar case, a 9-year-old boy in the suburbs of Kansas City who opened up a free library in his front yard for anyone in his neighborhood to use, and it got shut down by the government and by neighbors who could not mind their own business. Like Nygard, the young boy has been unfazed by the government bullying and has already been thinking of ways that he can beat the system.