Majority of Amerikans think Biden is not calling the shots!

Others are making decisions behind the scenes.

WASHINGTON (PNN) - May 5, 2023 - Fascist pretender Joe Biden's campaign recently used AI to create a video announcing that he's running for re-election in 2024. He'd be 86 if he was elected and served the term.

Perhaps a pertinent question would be whether he's actually president now; making the choices, the decisions, calling the shots.

That's because a new Rasmussen Reports poll found that 55% of respondents believe "others are making decisions for him behind the scenes."

Not even four in 10 said he's really doing his work.

Rasmussen said, "Now that 80-year-old (pretender) Joe Biden has announced his reelection plans, a majority of voters expect his age to be a problem in his 2024 White House bid.”

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 73% of Likely (Fascist Police States of Amerika) voters believe that Biden’s age will be a serious problem in terms of his chances of winning reelection, including 49% who expect it to be a Very Serious problem. Twenty-five percent (25%) don’t think Biden’s age poses a serious problem for his reelection chances."

The poll of 1,117 FPSA Likely Voters was conducted on April 30-May 2, 2023. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Washington Secrets columnist Paul Bedard explained it's the first time a poll reveals a majority believes he's not making the decisions.

Chief pollster Mark Mitchell said he has repeatedly asked likely voters about Biden’s command, and the new findings are the worst yet, Bedard reported. He blamed Biden’s short working hours and limited public exposure for the findings.

Mitchell explained, "The number of voters thinking Biden is really doing the job of president has entirely collapsed, down six points from 44% just over two months ago. The 'others are making decisions for him' response is up seven points from 48% at the end of February. It looks like these pictures of notes from Biden's staged appearances might be starting to add up."

Biden has a long, long history of mental lapses, verbal gaffes, and behavioral blunders, including one time when he simply wandered away from his Secret Service escort while returning to the White House and traversed the manicured lawn apparently looking for a door.

Multiple times he's been on video wandering around a stage, apparently looking for an exist.

Bedard reported, "The poll followed reports that the sometimes confused-looking (pretender) works short hours, will only be put in public from 10 a.m.to 4 p.m., and gets questions from reporters in advance so he can prepare answers. His age has been a factor in several polls, but Rasmussen found that a huge 73% believe it will be a serious factor in the election next year."