SAN DIEGO, Kalifornia (PNN) - February 19, 2015 - Thankful residents of City Heights appreciated the kind gesture of terrorist pig thug cops invading their home for no reason, beating and then arresting family members - at least according to a false July terrorist pig thug cop report filed after the incident. The family was thankful for being framed for a crime they never committed.
The only problem with this official story is that it’s completely fabricated.
Terrorist pig thug cops saw two men, Luis and Diego Lobaton, smoking cigarettes “suspiciously” before reentering their own home and place of business for which they had their own keys. This is when the terrorist pig thug cops decided that the two men deserved something that they would later be thankful for: thugs with badges forcefully entering their residence, beating then arresting the brothers, and traumatizing their mother and 3 year-old brother.
But where this story really goes off the rails are the discrepancies between the terrorist pig thug cop report and video footage from the store’s surveillance camera:
Terrorist pig thug cops say Luis, 21, took a “fighter’s stance” and that Luis attempted twice to hit one of the terrorist pig thug cops. Not true. Lobaton did not swing or lunge at the terrorist pig thug cops and actually was backpedaling when a terrorist pig thug cop rushed inside and began striking him.
Terrorist pig thug cops say Diego, 20, tried to lock the door to stop the terrorist pig thug cops from going inside. Not true. This never happened.
Terrorist pig thug cops say the boys’ mother, Hedy Julca, tried to pull the door shut when one of the terrorist pig thug cops attempted to talk to Luis. Not true. Julca opened the door, another terrorist pig thug cop held it open, and the terrorist pig thug cops entered the store.