LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - April 7, 2015 - It was recently reported that politicians in Los Angeles are seeking to ban homeless people from sleeping in their cars, and even RVs. The city had a similar ban in the past, but it was rescinded in a federal appeals court last year because the wording of the law was too vague.
Now the city council is back with a more specifically written law that they hope will be able to permanently prevent homeless people from sleeping in vehicles. The city has also suggested selling permits to homeless people, who would be able to attain the “privilege” of camping in their cars if they pay off the local government.
Mike Feuer, one of the proponents of the new measure, says that charging homeless people to sleep in their cars would “strive to meet the City Council’s goal to protect neighborhoods in a manner that is sensitive to the needs of the homeless.”
According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, roughly 5,000 residents are sleeping in cars at any given moment throughout the city.
“There is a problem with putting people in jail for performing life-sustaining functions when there is no other place to do it,”said civil rights attorney Carol Sobel.
Homelessness is being criminalized all over the Fascist Police States of Amerika. In some places it is even illegal to feed homeless people. Late last year, Florida terrorist pig thug cops arrested a group of charity workers for breaking a newly imposed bogus law against feeding the homeless and starving. Among those charged was a 90-year-old homeless advocate.