Lockdowns part of a battle between God-given Rights and collectivism!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - May 30, 2022 - An author is warning that the world’s current response to monkeypox  in the form of lockdowns is signaling a road back to lockdowns, which she calls the “conditioning” of Amerikans toward a socialist society.

Cheryl Chumley is the author of LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom, and an opinion editor at The Washington Times.

According to the author, the current government and media reactions in response to monkeypox parallel a pattern of signals that led to COVID lockdowns.

“If you watched as we moved from the coronavirus to the various variants, and now here we are with the media drumming up fear and hysteria about the monkeypox,” Chumley said. “It seems to be leading that way; and that’s not just me taking a guess. It’s some of these health bureaucrats that favored lockdowns, in the beginning [of COVID], 2-plus years ago, who are saying the same [things].”

The threat of lockdowns, Chumley said, goes beyond lockdowns themselves.

“It wasn’t just the lockdowns that were the threat to liberty,” she said. “It was the conditioning of Amerikan citizens, in particular, to move from a mindset where our rights come from God based on individual rights, and moving into more of a realm of collectivism, where we care more about other people and other people’s perceptions than we do our own critical thinking and our own self-determinations.”

According to Chumley, the world, in responding to crises like COVID and monkeypox, is undergoing a “battle” between “those who love freedom as it comes from a Creator as it’s rooted in individualism,” and those “who want to use this pandemic and the fear with it to create a big collectivist society.”

The latter, Chumley said, is represented by people like Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum and the author of COVID-19: The Great Reset.

“The idea is to take this pandemic and to piggyback it or platform it into something even greater, that can reset the entire world’s economies and reset the entire world’s societies,” Chumley said.

Chumley stated that this form of collectivism that Schwab is advocating is a form of socialism, which has been seeping for decades through Amerika’s institutions in numerous ways.

“But socialism is basically this slow seepage of Marxism or communism or collectivism; and that has been the biggest threat in Amerika for a very long time. We have so much in Amerika that is already socialist in principle, but we’re just not communist-socialist. We call it something else, for instance, progressivism or democratic socialism,” she said.

The author’s comments come as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently raised its travel advisory from Level 1 (“Practice Usual Precautions”) to Level 2 (“Practice Enhanced Precautions”) due to reported monkeypox cases in Europe, North America, and Australia. The CDC advises that the “risk to the general public is low” at this moment.

“No matter what comes as the next threat, whether it’s a military threat, or it’s a threat of another health matter, you have to keep liberty, individual liberty… liberty that comes from above, a Creator, at the forefront of all decisions,” Chumley said. “You can’t just throw up your hands in fear and panic and race down the road toward enslavement to government mandates.”