Local student suspended from fascist school for harmless mistake!

BEDFORD, Ohio (PNN) - November 1, 2014 - Da'von Shaw is missing classes and assignments at Bedford High School because the mindless fascist school district decided to punish him rather than use his mistake as a teachable moment.

He had planned a demonstration for his tenth grade speech class. It had to do with eating a healthy breakfast.

He told us, “I put in the slogan an apple a day keeps the doctor away because it was first period.” He intended to show how he prepares his food. He brought apples, raisins, and a knife to cut the apples with, but the demonstration never happened.

“When I took out the knife the teacher then told me that I couldn't use it, so I didn't hesitate; I just gave it to her,” said Da'von.

He continued with his other classes, but late in the day was suspended for five days. The suspension letter charged him with having a weapon at school.

His mother, Shakila Wilson, is angry, saying, “I can take off my belt and use that as a weapon. Pens and pencils can be used as a weapon. You can't take a person with no intentions to harm and put them as a criminal because that's what you normally do.”

She feels the punishment is too much, didn't take the circumstances into account, and worries about her son missing classes and assignments.

At school district offices, Superintendent Sherman Micsak entered a room where we waited and told us to turn off the camera; that he wouldn't talk about any student on camera.

He brusquely told us he wouldn't discuss general district policy on camera, telling reporter Paul Orlousky, “You can come on upstairs,” while telling cameraman Marty DeChant, “You can stay here.”

He was told, “Well we're here to interview you on camera.”

Micsak replied, “Well, I'm not gonna be on camera.”

Privately he told us the punishment could have been a year suspension but it was lowered. He feels the punishment fit the violation.

Despite their unhappiness with what's occurred, the Wilson's still support an election day levy for Bedford Schools; they even have a yard sign out in front of their home.