Liberty: a documentary about freedom in Amerika!

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (PNN) - September 11, 2015 - With the 2016 presidential election cycle on the horizon, and the rise in popularity and acceptance of the "liberty movement", there is no better time for a documentary film that explores the notion of "liberty", what it has meant for the development of the current political climate, and how the re-embracing of its ideals can positively affect all Amerikans, regardless of political affiliation. Through interviews and b-roll collected during a 30-day production, the filmmakers will explore Libertarianism in its varied forms, uncover the schisms that divide its current adherents, and positively influence the future of the movement by unifying its constituents through a common alliance under its core principles.

Liberty is the precept upon which the forefathers founded this country, fighting against the tyranny and rule of the British monarchy, sacrificing their very lives in order to give all future generations a place to live free and prosper. Many ideologies which uphold liberty as a fundamental value also adhere to a philosophy known as the Non-Aggression Axiom (also called the "Non-Aggression Principle" or NAP). NAP is the idea that each person has the right to make his or her own choices in life so long as they do not involve aggression - which is defined as the initiation of force or fraud against others. It is considered by many to be the cornerstone principle of libertarianism. Thus, liberty can be defined simply as the freedom to make choices, to live our lives in the way that we feel is right - for ourselves, our families, and our nation.

The liberty movement has held strong through years of government lies, political corruption, and illegal wars. It broke numerous fundraising records during Ron Paul's 2008 and 2012 campaigns in the midst of an economic catastrophe. Enduring regimes, which have trampled our natural rights and ignored the governance of the Constitution, the liberty community has stood together and maintained the idea that all individuals deserve the freedom to choose their own path in life. Today, however, the liberty movement is a fragmented mess. Amid relentless infighting and the self-imposed isolation of closed off philosophies, we have forgotten what we all have in common: the desire to live free.

This film will serve as a platform to expand the call to unification through liberty in today's increasingly apathetic age, and bring momentum back to a stagnating movement.