Liberals ban “God bless you” after a sneeze!

BOSTON, Massachusetts (PNN) - March 16, 2018 - The calendar says March, but the extreme left is still trying to wage the War on Christmas, and it’s a war on common sense, decency, and a polite society.

A Boston college released an ugly set of new guidelines that show how insane political correctness has become.

It lists common phrases - including “Merry Christmas” and “God bless you” after a sneeze - as examples of “Islamomisic Microaggressions”. What does that mean?

According to the library at Simmons College in Boston, they’re “commonplace verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults in relation to the beliefs and religious practices of Muslims.”

In other words, saying, “God bless you” after someone sneezes is now unacceptable at the college because it’s too hostile to Muslims.

Now no one wants to be hostile to anyone of any faith - or even to people of no faith at all. But a little courtesy goes a long way.

Who doesn’t like to get wished well? If someone offers a blessing or a greeting, most folks will happily accept it even if it’s from a different faith or culture.

Not at Simmons.

Remember, the guidelines complain that phrases such as “Merry Christmas” and “God bless you” are examples of “hostility” and “derogatory or negative slights and insults.”

Phrases such as these, according to Simmons, are “structurally based and invoke oppressive systems of religious/Christian hierarchy. Islamomisic Microinvalidations, Microinsulsts, Microassaults are specific types of microaggressions.”

Here’s the craziest part. These guidelines not only turn every well-wisher into an insensitive monster, they also create a built-in rule that punishes a person for even attempting to defend himself or herself if he/she wrongthinks.

Number six on the list of “microaggressions” is “Denial of Religious Prejudice: Incidents in which individuals claim that they are not religiously biased, even if their words or behaviors may indicate otherwise.”

So if you say “God bless you” and someone accuses you of bias, you’re not only causing aggression and hostility with your initial words, you’re causing more aggression and hostility just by responding with a simple and honest “I didn’t mean it like that”.

That’s just the beginning. The guide also adds a whole new layer to the PC madness, explaining that the word “micro” shouldn’t be taken to mean these are “small” aggressions.

“The prefix ‘micro’ is used because these are invocations of religious hierarchy at the individual level (person to person), whereas the ‘macro’ level refers to aggression committed by structures as a whole (e.g. an organizational policy). ‘Micro’ in no way minimizes or otherwise evaluates the impact or seriousness of the aggressions.”

Despite widespread criticism, the library appears to be doubling down.

“It is by no means a complete guide to social justice issues, religions, conversations, or points of view,” said an unnamed spokesman. “As an institution of higher education, Simmons encourages exploration of a variety of sources when seeking information on any topic.”

In other words, this could actually get worse if they ever decide to complete this guide and add more sources of PC nonsense.

Who knows what will next be considered a microaggression.

Let’s hope no one says “Happy Easter” or even mentions a bunny over the next couple of weeks.

PC liberal heads might explode.