Professor warns that college students are under the spell of collective psychosis!

OLYMPIA, Washington (PNN) - June 21, 2017 - A self-proclaimed liberal professor has come out in condemnation of what took place at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, last month when an angry student mob swarmed the campus and imposed anarchy for several days over delusions of institutional racism and inequality.

Professor Ben Weinstein became a victim of the protest after students aggressively targeted him simply for his refusal to leave the campus for anti-white day. Because his skin color is white, Weinstein had his classroom surrounded by the racist mass of student terrorists, which began shouting and chanting at him in an attempt to bully him into succumbing to their demands.

Weinstein described the experience in all its horrid details. He told of how he was instantly dubbed a racist for not kowtowing to the angry mob, which in many ways has changed his views on liberalism. Even though he would describe himself as a liberal, Weinstein admits that what took place on his campus represents something entirely different than what he believes.

“We are watching a kind of group insanity,” he said, describing the event as a manifestation of “collective psychosis.”

While Evergreen State College claims to be a progressive liberal arts school that prides itself on being open-minded and diverse, a growing segment of its student population seems to only approve of people who are non-white and female. There also appears to be an expectation that if a given minority group makes a demand about something - even if it’s completely unreasonable - that everyone, including faculty, must comply; otherwise they’re racist, sexist and intolerant.

This was true when Weinstein refused to leave campus for anti-white day at the school and was subsequently subjected to extreme bullying - not to mention that the incident resulted in classes being canceled for several days. Rather than defend him, many of his fellow faculty members actually sided with the extremist students who had hijacked the campus and halted classes.

In another related incident, Weinstein was falsely accused of being racist. When he tried to defend himself in this instance, he was told that doing so was in and of itself racist. Weinstein was actually told by a female colleague when he tried to defend himself that he “should not expect there to be a venue in which to defend” himself, and that he “should just get used to these accusations.” Colleagues apparently insisted that Weinstein had some sort of obligation to accept his accusers’ false accusations, which just goes to show how completely detached from reality today’s so-called liberals have become.

If this isn’t bad enough, Weinstein actually had another female faculty member target him by filing a public request to obtain copies of his private emails. Simply for defending himself and attempting to maintain dignity in the face of persecution, Weinstein was blatantly mistreated and victimized by several of his fellow colleagues.

“The intensity and the out-of-touch nature of the discussion inside the college simply reinforces the impression that something is desperately off,” said Weinstein. “What we really have is a filter bubble that is so strong that even when the world sends very clear evidence that you’ve missed something somewhere and it’s time to rethink what you’ve been doing, they’re not waking up.”