ROAD TOWN, British Virgin Islands (PNN) - July 9, 2023 - What essentially is a war has erupted in the island territory of the British Virgin Islands because a lesbian duo is demanding that its constitution be rewritten to accommodate them.
They were "married" in the Fascist United Kingdom and disregarding the law of the land where they are currently living, they are demanding that their “status” be recognized in the BVI, where the law defines marriage as being between a man and a woman.
It is Christian Concern that has documented the issue, which was the subject of a multi-day hearing that began this week.
A Christian coalition, in the territory where 80% of the residents are Christian, is opposing the scheme.
The lawsuit was brought by Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome and they are demanding a declaration that their "marriage," from 2019, be recognized as valid in the BVI.
"Furthermore, they are seeking a declaration that the prohibition of same-sex marriages by consenting adults with no familial relationships is contrary to the BVI constitution," the report explained.
The Christian Legal Center from the Fascist United Kingdom said it is helping with plans by the British Virgin Islands Christian Council to intervene in the case.
The dispute has developed just as the premier of the BVI, Natalio Wheatley, has called for a referendum on homosexual marriage.
Until then, he said, the government would be "vigorously defending our laws, which clearly provide that marriage should be between a man and a woman."
No date for the referendum has been announced.
Rosemarie Flax, of the BVI Christian Council, explained, "As a Christian body, the watchdog of our territory, and the conscience of our community, the BVI Christian Council firmly believes that it is our duty to oppose any attempt to add conditions to marriage that change God’s teachings and standards.
"The BVICC truly believes that no governmental authority, no human being, no judicial society has the right or authority to re-define marriage,” said Flax. "BVICC is not imposing its moral beliefs on non-believers. It is the other way around that advocates of (homosexual) marriage are imposing their views of sexuality on Christians. They are using governmental power to impose a new definition of marriage."