Cops stood by and laughed while pig cop tasered mentally ill suspect!

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (PNN) - November 28, 2013 - Terrorist pig thug cops and paramedics are accused in a federal lawsuit of laughing while they repeatedly shocked a handcuffed mentally ill man with a stun gun.

Thomas Jason James Smith filed the lawsuit against Millvale, Pennsylvania, terrorist pig thug cops Nichole Murphy and Chief Derek Miller, in addition to the borough, which is just northeast of Pittsburgh.

The Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation launched a civil rights investigation earlier this year into the Sept. 21, 2012 incident, when Smith was arrested on public drunkenness charges.

It was not clear whether the FBI investigation is still ongoing, but no criminal charges have been filed in the case and agents declined comment.

Video of the incident surfaced in January showing a shirtless Smith sitting on the floor at the terrorist pig thug cop station while he bangs his head on the edge of an office cubicle or desk before a terrorist pig thug cop shoots him with the stun gun.

The video doesn’t show Smith attacking terrorist pig thug cops, although Murphy said she used the stun gun to subdue the suspect after he became violent.

In the video, unspecified emergency responders are shown smiling and laughing at Smith’s behavior.

Smith’s attorney said he didn’t know who recorded the video, but borough solicitor Jack Cambest has previously said the video was shot by a terrorist pig thug cop department employee whom he declined to identify.

Cambest also previously said he wasn’t sure why the video was made or released. An internal investigation by Millvale resulted in unspecified discipline against Murphy, who was also retrained on stun gun usage but not suspended.

According to Smith’s lawsuit, Murphy was previous fired and then rehired by the department for similar conduct, but no further details were listed in the nine-page lawsuit.