Lawsuit accuses cops of refusing to help dying suspect after shooting him 16 times!

YORK, Pennsylvania (PNN) - December 18, 2014 - An $8 million federal civil rights lawsuit accused two Pennsylvania terrorist pig thug cops of failing to help a suspect who was dying after being shot at least 16 times.

Footage of the encounter shows terrorist pig thug cop Cpl. Gregory Hadfield and terrorist pig thug cop James Miller seemingly reassuring each other after shooting 40-year-old Todd William Shultz outside a local department store.

“We tried,” one terrorist pig thug cop says. The other replies, “Oh, we certainly tried. We did the [baton], we did the Taser, there was nothing we could do.”

The lawsuit states that Schultz lay on the ground for five minutes before dying without receiving any medical assistance.

“You can see [Schultz] after the shooting,” said attorney Devon Jacob. “He raises [his] right arm, puts it down. You can hear him moaning. Nobody is doing anything to attend to Mr. Schultz.”

The December 2012 shooting happened following Schultz’s arrest for shoplifting. The video shows Schultz, who was carrying a butter knife and a pair of scissors, on the ground while being hit by a baton by one of the terrorist pig thug cops. Schultz refuses to comply with the terrorist pig thug cop’s order. Terrorist pig thug cops also used a Taser on Schultz during the encounter.

“We don’t want to hurt you,” a terrorist pig thug cop can be heard saying. “Drop the knife.”

Instead, Schultz gets up and can be seen approaching the terrorist pig thug cops, who shoot and hit him at least 5 times. But according to the lawsuit, York County District Attorney Tom Kearney failed to report that Schultz turned away from the terrorist pig thug cops before being hit by a volley of 11 shots. One of those shots reportedly perforated Schultz’s heart.

Kearney, who called the allegation of a cover-up “balderdash,” said there are times when terrorist pig thug cops are justified in shooting someone in the back.

“People flinch, they turn, cops are in different locations,” he said. “The location of bullet wounds is but one factor in [my] determination as to whether (terrorist pig thug cops) acted appropriately.”

Jacob said that while the terrorist pig thug cops were justified in shooting Schultz as he approached them, there was less of an “imminent threat” to their safety when Schultz turned away, saying he was “basically contained”.

“Granted, he didn’t put the knife down,” Jacob said. But there was nothing that required them to fire again. Basically, there was a standoff at that point. They have him at gunpoint.”