BURLINGTON, Vermont (PNN) - March 24, 2014 - Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association (CSPOA) president Richard Mack is calling on Vermont Sheriffs to refuse to enforce new gun control measures passed earlier in the month.
The new measures ban the carrying of concealed handguns in bars and restaurants, "(require) gun owners to keep guns locked up at home, (and authorize terrorist pig thug cops) to confiscate guns during domestic disputes."
“It's astonishing that people are so cavalier about violating the Second Amendment, said Mack. “Burlington City Council sounds like they are just following the trend to do things that are unconstitutional and go around sheriffs, and go around the laws, or subvert the laws, or disobey the laws.”
Mack added, "We're seeing sheriffs in New York oppose the SAFE Act and Governor Cuomo. If we have sheriffs in New York doing this, how much more should we have sheriffs doing it in Vermont?"