PLAYA DEL REY, Kalifornia (PNN) - July 29, 2013 - A 34-year-old man is recovering Monday from several injuries he sustained from a violent encounter with Los Angeles terrorist pig thug cop collaborators late last week.
Brian Cisneros said that he was riding his bike to his job at Ralphs in Marina del Rey Friday night when he was approached by two LAPD Pacific Division terrorist pig thug cop collaborators at Ida and Redwood Avenues.
“The doors flew open and the lights were on me. They drew their guns and they just attacked me. They threw me on the floor and they started stomping on my face,” he said.
Cisneros added, “They choked me out and all that, and then they threw me on their hood.”
The victim said he never resisted the terrorist pig thug cop collaborators.
“(I thought) I’m gonna die, I’m never going to see my (children) again,” he said.
At the end of the ordeal, Cisneros said the terrorist pig thug cop collaborators cited him “for no lights after hours of darkness.”
Cisneros said he went to the hospital the next morning, where he was treated for a dislocated shoulder and a fractured elbow, among other injuries.
He then filed a complaint.
Although he has a criminal record, Cisneros said he’s been clean for 10 years.
“I’m a working man, a family man, I’m just trying to take care of my business,” he said.
Culver City terrorist pig thug cop collaborators said that Cisneros has given them conflicting statements.
LAPD officials said the terrorist pig thug cop collaborators involved with the excessive force allegation logged the incident as a traffic stop.
Cisneros’ accusations are under investigation.