Kevin McCarthy to be fired as House Speaker?

WASHINGTON (PNN) - May 30, 2023 - House Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Chip Roy (Tex.) is calling into question the leadership of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Kalif.) and threatening to have him removed over the federal debt limit deal he agreed to over the weekend.

Appearing on Glen Beck’s radio show, Roy urged conservative voters to call their House representatives and voice their discontent with the deal.

Roy also said that McCarthy made a hand-shake deal in January that all bills advanced by the House Rules Committee must have near unanimous Republican support - and Roy sits on that panel.

“A reminder that during Speaker negotiations to build the coalition, that it was explicit both that nothing would pass Rules Committee without at least 7 GOP votes - and that the Committee would not allow reporting out rules without unanimous Republican votes,” Roy tweeted.

Roy said that Republicans can “still kill this and start over and do the right thing,” and called McCarthy’s deal a “betrayal of the power sharing arrangement that we put in place” when he was elected House Speaker.

The Texas Freedom Caucus leader said that if the Rules Committee or House floor can’t kill the debt bill, “then we’re going to have to regroup and refigure out the whole leadership arrangement.”

In other words, Good-bye, Kevin McCarthy.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Roy continued to blast the debt deal.

“Not one Republican should vote for this deal. It is a bad deal,” he said. “No one sent us here to borrow an additional $4 trillion to get absolutely nothing in return. There will be a reckoning about what just occurred unless we stop this bill,” Roy warned.