Katie Hobbs yells at reporter as she runs away from legitimate questions!

PHOENIX, Arizona (PNN) - July 7, 2023 - On Friday morning, The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson ran into Arizona’s illegitimate governor, Katie Hobbs, at their local gym, where she again ran from questions and cursed at him.

“Give it a f*cking rest, Jordan!” shouted potty mouth Katie Hobbs while walking out of the gym with her security detail before stepping into a blacked-out SUV. Other gym members told Conradson they frequently see her being escorted by security to and from her workout classes in the early morning.

The security detail can be seen waiting outside of the group fitness classes wearing suits on days when Katie Hobbs goes to the gym.

“A governor who brings suited security to the gym is a governor equipped to answer a couple of questions from a reporter. Instead of merely fleeing interviews Hobbs now remarkably resorts to hurling expletives,” said RC Maxwell of O’Keefe Media Group. Previously, Katie Hobbs ran from Maxwell’s attempt to ask her questions at a restaurant. In a panic, she spilled her drink and hid in the bathroom.

Hobbs’ latest usage of foul language is nothing new. Katie Hobbs has used the F-word publicly in the past when tweeting about men.

Conradson attempted to ask Hobbs this morning about the secret machine testing that occurred before Maricopa County’s election day failures, the fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification in Maricopa County, and recent executive orders that appear to be unlawful.

Kari Lake’s election was rigged and stolen, and Arizonans are paying the consequences.

New evidence that was dismissed before Kari Lake’s recent trial shows Maricopa County employees engaging in the secret and illegal reconfiguration and testing of voting machines after they were certified and before the election. This likely caused voting machines and ballot printers to fail at 59% of voting locations targeting Republicans on Election Day.

This illegal testing occurred with no documentation or logging of tamper-evident seals in violation of the Elections Procedures Manual and the law. It was also conducted after the statutorily required October 11 testing, and the legally required public notice was not given. In the video from October 14, the reprogrammed ballot tabulators can be seen jamming as employees test them, just as they did on Election Day.

According to the Election Procedures Manual, “If the electronic voting system has not successfully passed the Secretary of State’s L&A test, the Secretary of State may schedule a re-test for a later date. Re-testing may continue during the early voting period and through the day prior to the election. However, the officer in charge of elections may not deploy any electronic voting equipment in a federal, statewide, or legislative election that has not successfully passed the Secretary of State’s L&A test.” Counties are also required to “publish notice of the time and place of each L&A test at least 48 hours in advance of the test,” in accordance with ARS 16-449(A) and the Elections Procedures Manual.

“The Secretary of State’s Office must conduct its L&A tests after the officer in charge of elections has conducted county-level tests whenever practicable,” the Manual also states.

Kari Lake’s recent signature verification trial revealed that approximately 274,000 ballot signatures were compared and verified in less than three seconds. Kari Lake’s attorney, Kurt Olsen, told the court that “eleven of the signature verification workers approved 170k signatures at a rate of less than 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating.” This data is proven by Maricopa County’s own log file data.

When we were allowed to inspect and reproduce images of the ballot affidavits and compare them to voter registration records, it became extremely clear that Maricopa County did not accurately review or verify signatures.