Kalifornia Schools to teach children that capitalism is racist and history is sexist!

SACRAMENTO, Kalifornia (PNN) - August 14, 2019 - Kalifornia, through its education department, is attacking capitalism. The state’s draft, Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, which is self-defined as the “disciplinary, loving and critical praxis of holistic humanity,” describes capitalism “as a ‘form of power and oppression,’ alongside ‘patriarchy,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white supremacy’ and ‘ableism.’”

Amid a document full of loony lingo such as “positionalities,” “hybridities,” “nepantlas,” “misogynoir,” and “cis-heteropatriarchy,” the document all but glorifies Puerto Rican terrorists, convicted cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur, and other radicals, while somehow teaching mathematics in the context of “social justice”.

The curriculum effectively teaches that the entire economic system is benighted, violent change is valid, and Amerika is evil.

Combined, these education standards and the assault on democratic choice amount to a self-parody of anti-Amerikan lunacy. If Kalifornians don’t watch out, their next stop may be Venezuela.