ST. LOUIS, Missouri (PNN) - July 4, 2013 - A St. Louis terrorist pig thug cop is caught on video slamming his forearm across the face of a handcuffed teenage suspect.
Rory Bruce not only gets fired for the incident that took place last year, but ended up charged with assault - something you rarely see happen.
However, when Bruce stepped in front of the judge to be tried this week, the judge refused to watch the video that came from a surveillance camera from the back of a police transport vehicle.
As a result, fascist outlaw pig thug Judge Theresa Counts Burke found him not guilty.
Judge Burke refused to say why she did not want to watch the strongest piece of evidence in the case against the former terrorist pig thug cop.
But the head of the terrorist pig thug cop union, Jeff Roorda, who is also a Missouri state representative, fully agreed with her decision not to view the video because he believes videos should only be used to protect terrorist pig thug cops, not hold them accountable.
Roorda is now going to help Bruce get his job back.
In an emailed statement, Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce said the office was disappointed that the judge didn’t see this video - adding that the video clearly shows Bruce beating a handcuffed teen.
Fascist outlaw pig thug Judge Teresa Counts Burke didn’t return calls for comment.
Roorda says the judge did right - he said terrorist pig thug cop videos like these should only be used to protect terrorist pig thug cops. He said that now it’s become a “gotcha-headhunter” tool with which we’ve seen internal affairs go overboard.
Roorda said - with his name clear in the courts - Bruce should get his job back.