GREENVILLE, Delaware (PNN) - October 26, 2020 - With 8 days left until Election Day, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is still having trouble remembering exactly against whom he is running.
It’s definitely not the first time this has happened, but during a critical opportunity to appeal to young voters from the safety of his basement, Biden stumbled and appeared to forget President Donald Trump’s name, awkwardly referring to him as “my opponent” before stammering out “George Bush”.
Amusingly, after the stumble, Dr. Jill nudges him and whispers “Trump” as her husband stammers.
The embarrassing episode occurred just a day after Biden claimed that he had assembled “the greatest voter fraud organization” in history. Of course, Democrats just shrugged this off as another example of “Biden being Biden.”
Of course, we all know who will really be in charge if Biden triumphs over President Donald Trump on Election Day.