Jesse Ventura talks Revolution, cites Second Amendment!

April 8, 2008 - Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was able to make some very forceful points amidst the satirical atmosphere of his appearance on The Colbert Report last night, including a reminder that the Second Amendment was put in the Bill of Rights to give Americans the ability to rise up against a tyrannical government.

Ventura's new book is called Don't Start the Revolution without Me. Asked by Stephen Colbert if he was talking about a revolution against the United States government, Ventura said, "Remember, the Second Amendment with the right to bear arms - that's not done for hunting or fishing, our forefathers put that right in there so we have the ability to rise up if our country becomes oppressive."

Taunted by Colbert that Ventura had moved to Mexico and "given up on the United States," Ventura responded, "No I have not - that's where you go to learn about revolution so you can bring it back home."

Colbert then asked Ventura to list examples of the government lying, to which he responded, "the Gulf of Tonkin, weapons of mass destruction, ties to Al-Qaeda."

When Colbert brought up the topic of Dick Cheney, Ventura said he liked to refer to him as "chicken hawk," because, "when it was his time to go to war during Vietnam he was chicken."

"George Bush said the only problem with Vietnam was we left to soon - well why didn't those two come and help out?" added Ventura.

Ventura joked that during Vietnam, Bush was, "Guarding Dallas from the North Vietnamese air force."