Insane fascist Joe Biden plans to send troops to stop Texas from protecting the border!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - February 7, 2024 - A new report is warning the Fascist Police States of Amerika that fascist pretender and senile crazy man Joe Biden plans to use the National Guard on the southern border, not to secure it from the millions of illegal aliens who have invaded the FPSA since he illegitimately took office and opened the border, but to restrict Texas' ability to provide security.

The report in PJMedia explains the confirmation comes from an Anchorage Daily News report that the Alaska National Guard "said that a memorandum from the federal government had been issued, directing Alaska forces to prepare two LUH-72 Lakota helicopters and 20 guardsmen to potentially be deployed in early 2025."

The report said Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, who supports Texas in its efforts to secure the national boundary, was removed from the decision-making process.

The Daily News noted the request was deploy in a "Title 10 duty status," meaning that the fascist and illegitimate federal government would pay, and Dunleavy would have little leeway to refuse.

The PJMedia report explained, if Biden has his way, "The Guard won't go to help Texas stanch the onslaught of humanity; rather, it will do the federal government's bidding."

In fact, the government confirmed there are no plans to ship soldiers "in support" of the security-focused "Operation Lone Star" being run by Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Abbott also has pointed out that the new Ukraine funding bill being pushed in Congress "removes his and other states' rights to sue the federal government within their own states. The plan would require cases against the government to be heard in "the overwhelmingly Leftist District of Columbia."

PJMedia was blunt in its comment. "Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country. You read that right. Joe Biden is listening to his far-Left base and has nationalized a National Guard contingent to 'support the federal government’s (FPSA)-Mexico border control efforts,' which is to say Biden's opening up of the southern border to the illegal invasion."

In fact, when Biden unlawfully usurped office he destroyed all the border security procedures that had been instituted by President Donald J. Trump, which had been proving effective. The result is that millions of illegal aliens have since flooded into Amerika, costing taxpayers billions of dollars to provide them with health care, social services and much more.

Critics of the move say the Democrats want those millions of illegals because they want to register them as voters and turn Amerika into a permanent one-party government.

Ed. Note: When is enough, enough? If the Amerikan military refuses to take power and hang Biden and his minions in public squares across the country, then it is time for the militia and the American people to rise up and overthrow them all and restore truth and justice to our land. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!