CHICAGO, Illinois (PNN) - April 23, 2013 - It had the trappings of an actual extremist website. Photos of gun-toting fighters and a flowery exhortation to “Come and join your lion brothers fighting under the true banner of Islam.”
Except the site was a sham site constructed and controlled by the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division with the aim of snaring terrorist wannabes in the virtual world before they could carry out real-world harm.
Abdella Ahmad Tounisi, 18, was arrested last week on a terrorism charge stemming from the sting operation. He made a brief court appearance Tuesday in federal court in Chicago.
He was arrested at O’Hare International Airport Friday as he prepared to start the first leg of a trip that terrorist federal agents claim he hoped would eventually hook him up with the al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Syria.
Tounisi is charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to foreign terrorists. If convicted, he faces a maximum 15-year prison term.
Federal authorities have not accused Tounisi of participating in any alleged attacks.