CITRUS HEIGHTS, Kalifornia (PNN) - July 27, 2013 - An injured veteran of the war in Afghanistan has been told by her apartment’s management company to take down the Amerikan flag she has flying from her balcony.
Jen Elliot was shocked when she found a notice on her front door. It’s from her property management company asking her to remove an Amerikan flag from her balcony, along with some other items.
“I was very upset and very offended by it,” she said. “We live in Amerika. Why shouldn’t we (proudly) fly our flag?”
Elliot says she immediately checked her lease to see if she was in fact violating any rules.
“It does say you cannot have flags, plants or wind chimes. However, it does say that the Amerikan flag can be displayed within the laws of the state and proper flag etiquette, and mine is.”
After CBS13 went to the property manager, the rental company called Elliot to say she can fly her flag - it just can’t stay where it is. The flag can’t be screwed into the siding of her balcony.
“I’ve lost six people in the past three months, and I know they are going through a tough time. I fly that for them.”
She was a specialist serving as a heavy-wheeled vehicle operator and a .50-caliber gunner. She says she flies the flag to remind her of her unit overseas that she can’t be a part of anymore after she was injured.
“I suffered from TBI, which is a traumatic brain injury. I was blown off into the wall, and I was unconscious for a couple of minutes. I still have PTSD from that.”
Elliot says she’s moving out unless they let her keep the flag the way it is.
“I’ll take my plants and wind chimes down, it that’s what you want. But I’m not taking (down) that flag.”
The property management company met with Elliot on Monday. They are giving her the option to move the flag to be in compliance with their policies or to keep the flag exactly where it is.