NEW DELHI, India (PNN) - December 7, 2016 - Global financial repression picks up steam, led by India. After declaring large denomination notes illegal, India now targets gold.
It’s not just gold bars or bullion. The government has raided houses, no questions asked, confiscating jewelry. Large denomination means 500-rupee ($7.30) and 1,000-rupee notes ($14.60), which account for more than 85% of the money supply. They are no longer legal tender, effective immediately.
As one might imagine, chaos has ensued; and it continues.
The chaos accompanying demonetization hasn’t eased up noticeably. It seems likely the disruption to the economy, especially in cash-centric rural India, will hit growth sharply for at least a few quarters. It’s tough to say for how long and by how much; we are in uncharted territory here and guesses have varied widely. But many analysts agree with former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who’s predicting the new policy will knock 2 percentage points off that world-beating GDP growth rate.
Demonetization was originally sold as a “surgical strike on black money” - the illicit piles of cash many rich Indians have accumulated out of sight of the taxman. It’s now clear the policy has been anything but surgical. Worse, uncomfortable questions are being asked about whether the complicated rules and exemptions that have accompanied demonetization have allowed black-money holders to launder most of their cash. Of late, Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi’s chosen to focus instead on demonetization as a means of advancing a cashless economy.
Yet the idea of a war on unaccounted-for wealth remains central to demonetization’s popular appeal, which means Modi will have to find other ways to keep that narrative going. So the government has now begun to push income-tax officials to conduct raids on those who might be concealing assets in forms other than cash, such as gold.
There’s already enough fear of such raids becoming common again that the government felt the need to step in to quell some of the anxiety. That didn’t help much. The government “clarified”, among other things, the rules governing when tax officials could seize gold. Nothing would happen “if the holding is limited to 500 grams per married woman, 250 grams per unmarried woman, and 100 grams per male.” It also said that there would be no limits on jewelry “provided it is acquired from inheritance.” Also, the “officer conducting [the] search has discretion to not seize [an] even higher quantity of gold jewelry.”
What this means, unfortunately, is that India’s income tax officers have just won the lottery. During a raid, they can, on the spot, decide whether or not to confiscate a family’s gold holdings; and remember, India has an enormous amount of gold - 20,000 metric tons - much of it inherited. (The rules governing simple searches are different, but few know that.) Rather than cleaning up tax administration, the government has handed tax officials more power than they’ve had for decades. The rich will pay what they need to escape harassment; but the rest will suffer.
Evidence suggests the politically connected, and their friends, knew about the ban on cash and acted in advance. Everyone else is stuck.
India’s raid on gold reinforces its ban on cash. Short term aside, these actions will increase demand for gold.
A currency crisis is coming. Where it strikes first is unknown, but the list of likely candidates increases every year. However, wherever and whenever a currency crisis strikes, gold will be the safe haven.