SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (PNN) - October 13, 2020 - If one is to believe the most recent polls, Joe Biden is on his way to the White House to become the 46th President of the Fascist Police States of Amerika. Except according to Biden himself - the man whose finger would be on the button - he's "running as a proud Democrat for the Senate."
Earlier Monday, Biden couldn't remember Mitt Romney's name, or in what state he's located.
Then on Friday, the former vice president had yet another teleprompter malfunction during a Las Vegas event, waxing eloquent about how his economic plan would include a "$15 million dollar min - a 15 thousand dollar - ha. $15 dollar minimum wage," he said.
Meanwhile, Biden pulled down his already-falling mask to cough during his speech.
Is Pelosi's 25th Amendment push for President Donald Trump or Joe Biden?